martes, 15 de febrero de 2011

Public Service annnouncements PSA

* Write a three paragraph blog post.

1. Explain to me your understanding of what a PSA looks like. How is it different from a commercial? How is it similar?
2. Who would you like to work with and why? Give me multiple options here.
3. What are five potential PSAs that you think are needed for your target age group (teens). (this is a list)
4. Select three of these ideas and tell me how you would approach it if you were assigned this as a PSA.

A Public Service announcement is a type of advertisement that can be seen on TV, radio, print or in other media.This advertisements are made to help the people by educating and informing. The most common topics of PSA are health and safety but there are more. The army of the USA uses PSA in order to recruit people.

The first guy that I want to work with is with Raul. I Had work with him in many projects and we understand each other very good. We are also very good friends. We can do cool videos together because we arrive to interesting ideas. He is also very good at making videos in the computer by putting all the effects etc. The second option to be with is Xime. She is a very goo friend of mine and we work very good together. We haven't work together by doing a video but I think is going to be alright. She is very good in acting and performing things. The third option is pedro pablo. He is also a very friend of mine and we can do many cool things together. He is the third option because he is a little lazy by doing work but he is alright.

  • how aids is transmitted
  • How obesity is bad for your health
  • Drugs killing you
  • education
Education- I would approach this subject by first showing teens in the streets without education and then the same guys but in the future ruin in their lives without a job and without money or food. In the end I would inform about the necessity of edcuation in life and how it is so important in order to become something hear in our world.

Drugs- I would approach this subject by showing people in the streets all ruin by the drugs with the face pale and all skinny. Then I would inform how it is bad etc.

obesity- I would approach this subject by showing a fat guy walking and everybody laughing at him. Then I would put what would happen if he wouldn't hat eaten the junk food inn his refrigerator .

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